What tools can be used to measure SDGs? Monitoreo Each year a report on the progress of the Sustainable Development Goals is published, which contains the progress made by countries. This…
What is Outcome Mapping (OM)? Monitoreo Outcome Mapping (OM) is a type of methodology for planning, evaluating, and monitoring development initiatives to create a positive and…
What is a speaker's manual? Eventos The speaker's manual is a practical guide to guide the speaker's intervention, both in logistical and substantive terms. The manual is a…
What are the previous steps to organizing a high-level event? Eventos Before organizing a high-level event, the contracting party must provide a briefing of the event, detailing the public, objectives,…
What are the phases of delegated cooperation? Cooperación Delegated cooperation agreements include different phases: an initial phase to establish the agreement, then to prepare and sign the…
What does delegate cooperation entails? Cooperación Delegated cooperation implies that there is an agreement between two or more parties, in which one of the parties is empowered to act on…
Why is it vital to identify social needs? Conceptualizacion Identifying social needs is important to identify and build concrete and effective solutions to social problems or challenges that surround…
What is required in product design? Conceptualizacion The product design begins with a relationship between two or more parties, where one party has needs and the other the tools and…
What does technical assistance consist of? Asistencia técnica Technical assistance consists in maximizing the quality and impact of projects and/or strategies providing support for policy development,…
What is institutional strengthening? Asistencia técnica Institutional strengthening addresses the development of institutional capacities, both in public and private sectors, and non-governmental…
What are main differences between a political advisor and a political consultant? Asesoria Política A political advisor is an expert who advises a party, a government group, a politician, etc. in a specific area that is not on the domain…
How to achieve good governance? Asesoria Política States should conduct public affairs representing citizenship interests, managing resources, guaranteeing human rights without corruption…
What are central axes of the 2030 Agenda? Agenda 2030 The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and improve the lives and…
What is the role of the private sector in achieving the SDGs? Agenda 2030 Private sector, private investment, and private innovations determine inclusive economic growth, productivity, and job creation. According…