
Institution: UNDP ART Initiative, ORU-Fogar and UCLG
Year: 2021

Implementing partners:

UNDP-ART Initiative United Regions Organization (ORU FOGAR) United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) Global Partnership for Effective Development Co-operation (GPEDC)

Brief overview:

Decentralized Development Cooperation plays a crucial role in supporting the achievement of the 2030 Agenda: it is estimated that 65% of the 169 SDG targets will not be achieved without proper participation and coordination among local and regional governments (LRGs), and their associations (LGA). According to the OECD, the performance of subnational governments as donors is gaining considerable strength and representation. However, it is at the local and regional levels where the fragmentation and duplication of development cooperation efforts are more widespread and where a large part of the decentralized cooperation initiatives are unknown. Other barriers stand in the way, ranging from a lack of data at the subnational level and incompatible data systems to a serious lack of reliable data, hampering progress towards achieving not only the SDGs but also more effective development cooperation. Technical assistance services provided were focused on strengthening the Action Area 2.6 of the GPEDC, aimed at strengthening development effectiveness at subnational level to achieve the SDGs. Particularly, technical assistance was provided to enhance the availability of statistical data on development cooperation initiatives happening in territories, including cities and regions to support local and regional governments in achieving the SDGs. Overall, the activities implemented were aimed at enhancing the project’s concept note and its ongoing activities. Consultancy services included the attendance at technical and high-level meetings and the development of communication materials to guide meetings and support outreach efforts (presentations, 2-pager concept notes, others).