
Institution: International Organization for Migration (IOM)
Year: 2022

Implementing partners:

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) through the Regional Programme on Migration (PRM) in coordination with the Migration Policy, Registration and Identity of Persons Unit (UPMRIP) of the Ministry of the Interior in Mexico.

Brief overview:

Phase II was based on a pilot intervention aimed at strengthening migration policy actions in selected municipalities and states on the southern border of Mexico in coordination with the major national migration public policy instruments, such as The Governance Sector Program 2020-2024 and the National Development Plan 2019-2024, along with the state and municipal development plans. The 2030 Agenda and the Global Compact for Orderly, Safe and Regular Migration were also considered cross-border issues in the project’s formulation and implementation. The overall objective was to strengthen migration policy to improve the identification, assistance, and integration of vulnerable migrants in transit and destination and ensure better coordination between the three government levels. Some of the activities carried out during this phase included the implementation of a needs assessment, providing technical assistance services to governmental institutions (at federal, state and municipal levels), the development of an action protocol and standardized operating procedures to strengthen governmental capacities, the design of an awareness campaign to disseminate useful information for governmental officials and local communities, the design of a communication strategy to disseminate migration policy instruments at governmental levels, the establishment of a mechanism to ensure the sustainability of this initiative, and the organization of a virtual forum on migration policy to exchange knowledge, best practices and lessons learned under this initiative.