
Institution: International Organization for Migration (IOM)
Year: 2021

Implementing partners:

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) through the Regional Programme on Migration (PRM), in coordination with the Migration Policy, Registration and Identity of Persons Unit (UPMRIP) of the Ministry of the Interior in Mexico.

Brief overview:

Local actors are frequently those who are closest to migrants and who initially face the challenges related to the assistance and referral of this population. In addition, ensuring that the actions carried out by governments are consistent with national and international priorities and guidelines is crucial. Working under those two assumptions, consulting services were provided to execute Phase I of the project, which consisted in leading an investigation to assess the compatibility between the public policy plans developed in Mexico’s four southern states and the national public policy instruments in Mexico, including the National Development Plan 2019-2024 and the Governance Sector Program 2020-2024. The Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration and the 2030 Agenda were also considered as a cross-cutting issue. The final output of the investigation was an innovative report which included an analysis of federal, state and municipal migration policy, an assessment of areas of opportunity where the migration perspective can be mainstreamed, and a set of recommendations to guarantee the full exercise and enjoyment of human rights of migrants relying on a comprehensive human mobility policy. Additionally, a virtual Forum was organized to launch the report and share challenges, needs and good practices on migration policy between key stakeholders.