
Institution: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)
Year: 2022

Implementing partner:

United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime and International Organization for Migration

Brief overview:

The smuggling of migrants by sea has become a major challenge at the international level, causing the highest number of deaths. Therefore, the UNODC Liaison and Partnership Office in Mexico, following the framework of the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime, created a series of capacity-building projects for States to address organized crime. In Mexico, UNODC and IOM decided to design the project "Capacity building to prevent, detect and combat the smuggling of migrants by sea in Mexico". Under this project it was developed an "Inter-institutional Protocol for the Attention of the Smuggling of Migrants by Sea” which comprised a training programme to increase governmental capacities on the identification of smuggling of migrants by sea and the coordination between key governmental actors involved. A final report on the results and the effectiveness of the training programme (and recommendations) were also delivered.
